2015: Climate News and Views

Welcoming 2015 as we Celebrate 5 Years of ClimateMama!

As the saying goes…”Time flies ..”

climate-mama-adFive years ago, ClimateMama became the first “entrant” into the climate space speaking solely through and for parents; expressing our concerns about climate change and sharing our hopes and ideas for climate solutions. Climate Mama and Papa voices have helped educate hundreds of thousands of parents around the world, and have inspired and empowered actions in the fight for climate solutions and in advancing climate hope.

We are happy to report that the climate parent space is now getting very “crowded” and much more robust, as partner organizations like: The Mothers Project, Moms Clean Air Force, Mothers Out Front, and Climate Parents, to name a few, are now not only well recognized but also making HUGE waves and speaking loudly for parents around the country; helping to change legislation, point out injustices and put climate change solutions on the “front burner.”

The ClimateMama social media presence on Facebook and Twitter is well established, and we are increasingly the “go to resource” for local, regional, national and international media – bloggers and mainstream media alike – where they get their “climate news” and the place they go to, to take the “pulse of parents” on climate. We delight in showcasing the exciting opportunities that climate change presents, encouraging and promoting innovation and creativity and at the same time empowering actions and providing hope.

As well, we are proud to be an active and outspoken voice and force on anti-fracking campaigns around the US, and a participant in working to slow down fossil fuel production and infrastructure development the world over. The facts are in, and we know clearly that fossil fuels not only threaten our children’s future, but also are harming our children’s health and their now. At the same time we are working with many partners to jumpstart a renewable energy revolution. At ClimateMama we feel strongly that promoting a “transition” to renewables, through fossil fuels of any kind, is a false promise which provides no bridge, only a dangerous and deadly cliff.

pcmcollage2In 2015 we will continue our tradition of featuring many wonderful Climate Mamas and Papas from around the world and showcasing international, national, regional and local climate campaigns from partners, both big and small. We also look forward to receiving and posting, guest posts from experts and regular folks alike, who share their stories, ideas and plans that create climate HOPE for our future and our now. Be in touch if you are interested in having your news and stories shared with our Climate Mama Community..

Here’s just a “small slice” of some of the things ClimateMama has been a part of this past year:

+Co-hosted, educational forum: “Today’s Fossil Fuels and the Future of Our Children’s Health” at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, NYC
+Organizer of kids and families “national block” for the Peoples Climate March, NYC
+Worked with RAN to “connect the dots” on Climate Change and Palm Oil production, including launching a petition targeting Pepsico which over 100,000 people world wide signed, demanding that Pepsico LEAD on sustainable palm oil production
+In Partnership with The Mothers Project, lead a group of mothers in the NorthEast in a campaign to have ConEdision look closely at radon in fracked gas (look for more on this in 2015!)
+Hosted one of the productions of the Off Broadway show, Extreme Whether, featuring Arctic Ice Scientist, Dr. Jennifer Francis in the “Talk Back,” NYC
+Featured as first Global Mom in Action, by the Global Moms Challenge
+Featured as the Sustainable Jersey’s October Hero
+Featured Climate Leader on Climate Reality…
+Posts on MSNBC, USAID, Moms for Social Good, Green Divas…

We are excited about our new and ongoing collaborations with partners like The Mothers Project, IMatterNow, The Women’s Earth and Climate Caucus, Climate Reality, RainForest Action Network, GreenPeace, Beyond Extreme Energy Campaign, Sane Energy, Green Divas Radio…and the list goes on and on…!

2015 promises to be a year of collaboration and growth for the climate movement broadly, as social, environmental and climate justice play increasingly prominent roles in education and advocacy on climate change.

Please stay tuned and stay in touch. If you don’t already follow us on Twitter or Facebook, please do so now. Make sure to join our mailing list as well, so that you regularly receive our 2015 bi-monthly newsletters, don’t miss anything on ClimateMama in 2015!

IMG_1658To all our Climate Mamas and Papas, a big, warm and grateful THANK YOU. You have helped us grow into a trusted national representative and voice for parents on climate change. We look forward to your active participation in 2015 as we make sure our voices are heard loud and clear as we continue to build climate hope.

2015 is already shaping up to be THE year of climate action. Together, we are and will move the “boulders” farther and faster up the hill, as we clear the path for a clean, healthy and renewable future and now for our children and for us all.

It won’t be easy, but together we can and must continue to practice what we preach as we put our Mantra into action by: “Telling the truth, showing that actions DO speak louder then words, and not being afraid as we build climate hope.”

Yours in Solidarity,

Climate Mama

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