As Climate Mamas and Papas, we know that carbon pollution from fossil fuels is driving climate change, but many people, including our friends, family and neighbors don’t understand the countless ways we’re already paying for it – from taxes for drought relief to families displaced by floods to greater food scarcity driving political instability.
We know that we do have opportunities and options for lowering these costs, and making the real polluters pay, rather then having these costs continue to pile up on us and our families. It’s time we helped others understand too, how we can all begin to solve some of these problems. So help us spread the word, and tell people in your networks to TUNE IN to 24 Hours of Reality, October 22nd and 23rd, beginning at 2pm ET.
As October 29th approaches, and we reach the one year Anniversary of hurricane Sandy hitting the East Coast of the United States, many of us here on the East Coast are still reeling from the impact of this storm. We understand much more clearly as well, how the indicators of climate change we are already living with, including sea level rise and above average water temperatures, can turn a strong storm into a super storm.
Many of our children, who for two years in a row had Halloween “cancelled” because of extreme weather events, are waiting with baited breath and costumes ready to go, for October 31st to role around, without any major weather disasters this year.
As we prepare for this Anniversary, make sure to invite your friends and family to tune into 24 Hours of Reality, Climate Reality’s close up look at The Cost of Carbon.
24 Hours of Reality will travel across six continents, identifying the specific costs we’re paying for carbon pollution. Celebrities, scientists, economists, and other experts will join former Vice President Al Gore and Climate Reality Maggie Fox to explore the diverse impacts climate change is having around the world. The broadcast will come to you live, from the Climate Reality website, and will also help millions of people watching around the world, understand more clearly how to calculate their personal costs of carbon.
In my family, my son has been newly diagnosed with asthma; he and my husband suffer from terrible poison ivy allergies, and on our property, many wonderful tall trees, that have been strong for decades, have come down and been damaged in recent extreme weather events. I know personally, how the cost of carbon is taking it’s toll on my family. I also have used a new tool from Climate Reality, What I Love, to help me share with my friends and family what is at stake for me, personally, because of climate change.
Last year, I was honored to be part of a panel discussion on the 24 Hours of Reality broadcast, with Maggie Fox and other Trusted Messengers on Climate Change. Tune in here (our panel comes up around the 28 minute mark) if you missed us last year!
Here are some key details for the 2013 24 Hour Broadcast:
Dates: October 22 & 23, 2013
Start Time: 11:00am Pacific Time, 2pm Eastern
Duration: 24 Hours – (region-specific content begins at 11:00 local time)
Live Webcast: Free and unlimited access to millions of participants around the world
So grab the kids in your life, find a good time when you can all settle in, and find out more about the Cost of Carbon, and what we all can to about it.
Climate Mama
P.S. Tune in to the Today Show, on October 22nd, and see if you know any of the “special guests” out on the Plaza, calling attention to 24 Hours of Reality 🙂
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