The BIG news this week seems to be that the oil spill in the Gulf has stopped and for the moment, the well is capped. Lets hope this is a permanent fix and that the world can now focus on how to clean up the mess in the Gulf! In Alberta, Canada, a US campaign targeted at the Alberta Oil Sands is big news. As the US government takes 90 days to decide whether to approve a $7 billion pipeline carrying Alberta crude oil across the US, environmental groups are working to raise attention to the way in which this oil is extracted and the damage that it does to the environment. In the meantime, there is much discussion in Alberta, as to whether this is the best way to put pressure on the oil companies and the province. Check out Climate Mama News this week for a more personal account of Alberta and the oil industry. Visit Keepers of the Water to hear from some of the children who have been directly affected by oil sands development, and lets keep our fingers crossed for this film as it hopes to gain recognition at the Toronto International Film Festival this fall.
Did you watch the World Cup with the kids in your life? Ask them if they heard that the next World Cup, which will take place in Brazil in 2014, is going to be the “Green Cup” according to the president of Brazil. President da Silva said that “environmental sustainability is a priority in Brazil and it will be trademark of the next World Cup.” If you didn’t read our series on the “Green Vancouver Olympics” have a look! And if it isn’t already on their radar, tell the kids in your life about the “Do Something Awards” airing on July 19th on VH1. The awards are about social change, and will honor the best young world changers, 25 and under, that are making the world a better place!
Visit our new partner, Repower at Home, a project of the Alliance for Climate Protection. Repower at Home challenges you to look at your personal energy choices and examine the impact they have on your health, our environment and your wallet. Find out how you can work together with your friends, family and community to reduce your energy use and help save the environment and money at the same time!. Our Green Guru, Lisa has some great new products for all the kids in your life, even the four legged ones! Check out our Products and Services Seal of Approval Database for her latest picks!
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