Help Your Kids Take Climate Action Today ..and we mean TODAY

Join us TODAY as we empower our children to take control, to take climate action and to feel a powerful and supportive  link to other children across the country who are taking action on behalf of us all.

Many of our children are anxious, they are seeing adults walk around in fear, paralysis and uncertainty. Yes, that are real coronavirus concerns but we are letting the unknown creep in and taking over our lives. Living in NYC, I saw this happen after 9/11 and it took time for us to pick ourselves up, and in the meantime, many of our children suffered. We know  that many of our children currently suffer eco-anxieties. They regularly experience, express and feel concerns about the future of our world, what our climate emergency means for them, for their family, their friends, as well as for the many creatures small and large that they care for deeply.

We have shared pervious posts about the Julianna kids from Our Children’s Trust and they have a big day coming up on Thursday, March 12th and are asking for our help.

Together with other youth driven organizations –  Zero Hour and the National Children’s Campaign – these kids are asking other youth to add their names in support of a new brief on behalf of young people across the country. This amicus, or “friend of the court” brief will be filed with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday, March 12, 2020. The brief will call upon the Court to grant a rehearing of the Juliana plaintiffs’ case and allow their voices to be heard in open court at trial.

What a powerful team:

Our Children’s Trust  is a non-profit public interest law firm that provides strategic, campaign-based legal services to youth from diverse backgrounds to secure their legal rights to a safe climate. We work to protect the Earth’s climate system for present and future generations by representing young people in global legal efforts to secure their binding and enforceable legal rights to a healthy atmosphere and stable climate, based on the best available science.

The National Children’s Campaign is a national nonprofit organization that serves to amplify the voices of America’s 74 million children and youth and make sure that our nation’s political leaders prioritize the issues that matter to those who are too young to vote. The National Children’s Campaign focuses on health, education, climate and environment, child welfare, gun violence, child immigration, LGBTQ+ rights, and youth civic engagement.

Zero Hour is an international youth climate justice movement that organizes mobilizations, educational campaigns, lobby days, summits, strikes, marches, and media and social media campaigns to demand urgent action on climate change. Zero Hour fights for intersectional solutions to the climate crisis and focuses on addressing the root systems of oppression, like colonialism, that caused the climate crisis in the first place.

In addition to the brief being filled on March 12th, Natalie Sweet, Zero Hour Communications Director shared with us a few weeks ago about plans for an east coast bus tour, to mobilize young people to vote. “Through the bus tour, Zero Hour and the National Children’s Campaign have an amazing opportunity to emphasize the importance of voting in different states. We’re looking forward to building connections as we travel that we can revisit and build upon this summer as we mobilize for November. We’re also here to learn and grow through addressing the root systems of oppressions that cause the climate crisis as we visit different communities that face extreme environmental injustice and the effects of climate change.”  


Check the National Children’s Campaign and This is Zero Hour websites for updates, as the events get cancelled across the country, these tour dates may change. Regardless, showing our children that voting matters, that even if they are too young to vote, we will do so for them, and by reminding our older children that registering to vote is critical so they can have a direct say in how we are represented and how our priorities are set. 

In the meantime, please visit TODAY with the kids in your life, add your name and theirs to the growing list of young people and adult allies supporting this youth  led brief. YOU can tell our Nation’s courts that they have a duty to protect the constitutional right of us all, our right to a stable climate!


Climate Mama

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