Environmental Wisdom From the Mouths of Babes

As the saying goes, “an oldie but a goodie!” This speech still makes me cry, particularly as it seems it could be given today, not much has change. On behalf of 12 and 13 year olds (my children’s current ages!), Severn Suzuki took the stage 20 years ago to speak to delegates at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Brazil.

On the eve of the annual United Nations General Assembly and less then a year away from Rio +20 (twenty years from this seminal conference), have we accomplished anything?

Take a few minutes and sit down with the kids in your life; watch together as a 12 year old girl from Canada demands answers from the adults who can impact her future. What will they do to safe guard our environment for her and future generations? Unfortunately so far, the answer has been “precious little.” We need to look at the harsh reality we live in now, and recognize that time isn’t on our side. We can’t let 20 years go by again. Our children’s future is at risk. Take a stand on climate change, demand the truth, don’t let deniers have their way. Make your life and that of your families, more environmentally sustainable, and demand that our law makers do the same!


Climate Mama

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2 Responses to Environmental Wisdom From the Mouths of Babes

  1. Oh, I love that video. You can’t see that enough – hope from a new generation. Of course this particular video is my generation I know there are a great group of eco-kids coming up.

    • Harriet says:

      So agreed! So many amazing eco-kids stepping up. Watch and participate with them today, as millions of kids, and their parents “Move the Planet” for 350.org’s Moving Planet Day!

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