Celebrating World Oceans Day With Your Kids


The World is coming together in Rio, Brazil, June 20-22nd to try to figure out constructive plans to move beyond “business as usual” so we can get to the future we want, for us and for our children. Oceans, are one of the “seven critical areas” highlighted for the upcoming Earth Summit as “in need” of PRIORITY ATTENTION. The other six areas are: jobs, energy, sustainable cities, food security and sustainable agriculture, water and disaster readiness.

June 8th, is World Oceans Day!

Check out this video from The Pew Environment Group and the Zoological Society of London with the kids in your life, learn more about things we can do today to ensure that our oceans continue to stay healthy resources for generations to come.

In honor of World Oceans Day, here are a few ocean facts to share with the kids in your life…

According to the United Nations:Our rainwater, drinking water, weather, climate, coastlines, much of our food, and even the oxygen in the air we breathe, are all ultimately provided and regulated by the sea. Throughout history, oceans and seas have been vital conduits for trade and transportation.”

The oceans act as big “carbon sinks” and scientists tell us that our oceans are absorbing close to 30% of CO2 produced by humans, helping to slow global warming. Unfortunately, our oceans are now becoming “saturated” with CO2, and our changing climate is making our oceans warmer and more acidic. The time to care for our oceans and treat them like the precious gift and resource that they are, is NOW!

Your kids might also enjoy this fun graphic.

Explore the Ocean

Happy World Oceans Day…lets not take our special natural resources for granted…


Climate Mama

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