Climate Change: Trusted Sources
Climate Change Education and Information Trusted Sources and Sites that Inspire us
Below are eight site categories in which we have identified our “top” three sites. Did you know that in astrology, the number “8” signifies the ability to manage yourself and your environment and to be able to better judge the potential of those around you? The number 3 signifies the ability to successfully connect people to others. There are so many incredible resources available to us on Climate Change, narrowing down the choices in 8 categories and to a “top 3” has been incredibly difficult. We liked the idea of keeping our categories “manageable” and of helping to connect you to organizations and resources that we use, that have inspired us, and that in our opinion, help to empower us to make educated choices for change.
Check back often, we will be changing the sites listed on a regular basis so that we can introduce you to other important resources. Please note that each category is listed alphabetically and that order doesn’t indicate preference. Send us your favorites as well so we can check them out!
Climate Mama recommends the following: Have a look, enjoy and be inspired!
Scientific Studies and Research Sources:
1. - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
2. World Meteorolgical Organization
3. – National Academies of Science
Books we Recommend:
1. An Incovenient Sequal: Truth to Power, 2017 - Al Gore (check out 223 for more on your "favorite Climate Mama"
2. Drawdown: the Most Compresensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, 2017 - Paul Hawken
3. Storms of my Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe, 2009 – James Hansen
Reader Recommendations: (NEW category, send us your favorite books, resources, apps, videos)
1. Recycling Glass, Plastic, Metal and More - Recycling resource: Recommended by the kids at Helping Hands 4 Kids
News and Information Sources:
1. - Real Climate (news from Climate Scientists)
2. Climate Central – Climate Central
3. DesmogBlog – Investigative reporting. Make sure to check out the Global Warming Denier Database
Parent/Teacher Information and Advice:
1. – National Wildlife Federation, Personal Solutions!
2 - Alliance for Climate Education
3. Climate Change Impacts and Solutions – PBS Learning Media
To Share with the Kids in Your life
1. Young Voices on Climate Change - DVDs, Short Inspirational Videos, the Power of Young People
Fun and Inspirational:
1. Climate Reality Project – Connecting the "dots" on Climate Change
2. Meet the Greens - A site for kids about sustainability and Green Living
3. Green Ninja - Fighting Climate Change All the Time!
Favorite Apps:
1. Skeptical Science - Arguments to face off with your favorite Climate Skeptics!
2. Seafood Watch - Monterey Bay Aquarium, seafood and sushi sustainability guide
3. Earth Now - Displays real-time global satellite data of Earth's vital signs. Great for students, teachers and anyone interested in Earth science