EPA Administrator to Talk to Climate Mamas & Papas: November 14th, 2013

“I think about all of my children – Maggie, Julie and Dan – when I go to work every morning. Because after all, the work we do is about the generations that will come after us, and the planet that we will leave behind. As I mentioned, I have a lot of hope for the next generation. And it’s my goal to make sure that we get out of the way and let them do what we know they will do – which is to ensure that we have a sustainable economy and a protected environment.”

Gina McCarthy, EPA Administrator, July 31, 2013
EPA Connect

shutterstock_23911462What would you tell the new EPA Adminstrator Gina McCarthy if you had a chance to speak with her directly? Think about this carefully, because now you DO have the chance to speak to her and tell her, in your own words.

In cooperation with MomsRising, ClimateMama would like to invite you to register for either a Twiterchat, or a Teleconference (or both) with our new EPA Administrator.

Here are the details:

What: EPA Ready to Listen – a teleconference with the EPA Administrator for Climate Mamas and Papas and a concurrent Twitterchat at #MomsOnClimate
When: November 14, 2013, 4:00 PM EST
Gina McCarthy, EPA Administrator
Janet McCabe, Clean Air Office
Lisa Garcia, Office of Environmental Justice
With Kuae Kelch Mattox, National President, Mocha Moms; Eliane Ramos, Vice-Chair, LATism
Moderated by Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, Executive Director of MomsRising.org

Where: Anywhere you happen to be at 4:00 PM EST on November 14th!!

Share your thoughts and concerns directly with Administrator Gina McCarthy, the head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and other top EPA officials. RSVP now!

In case you missed our own Climate Mama’s statement to the EPA Listening Session in New York City on October 23rd, here is a link to Harriet’s comments on the Moms Clean Air Force Blog. For many of these same reasons that Harriet addresses, clean air, a sustainable climate and a livable future, make sure to join us for this call on Thursday, November 14th.

Sign up today and let Gina McCarthy know that as a concerned Climate Mama and Papa, you want the EPA to use the full weight of it’s authority to help us solve the climate crisis in every way that it can. While we don’t have the billions of dollars that industry has to fight against stronger climate pollution control standards, we do have the truth, reality and our love and concern for our children and for their livable future on our side. We hope that eventually, industry will stop fighting with single mindness for it’s quarterly earnings, and instead factor in a healthy and livable future for all our children into it’s bottom line and let the EPA do it’s job to protect our environment and our health.

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