In the News – Climate Change and Fragrant Air

In the New this week the BBC reported on studies by scientists in France and Spain that are looking at how global warming is causing plants to release greater levels of fragrant chemicals. The studies look at how higher temperatures and higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere will enable more fragrant emitting  plants to colonize new and expanded territories, as well as to produce more BVOCs (biogenic volatile organicshutterstock_34988236 compounds- aka smells – through lengthened growing seasons. The increased BVOCs may also affect the plants physiological and ecological functions. Back in November we brought to your attention a story about studies on increased pollen production in plants due to increases in CO2 levels and temperature and the affect that might have on health issues like asthma and poison ivy. Share this information with the kids in your life, they might find these facts something to share with their friends. Is more fragrant air a good thing or not?!

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