Moral Action For Climate Justice: Schedule of Events, September, 21-26th

2X3 wk of banner w website, FBWhat’s happening in DC (and around the country) when the Pope comes to town? Turns out there is a lot! Keep up with the latest by checking in often with Moral Action on Climate (for which we at ClimateMama are thrilled to endorse!).

Take a moment and share this Huffington post article by Kathleen Rogers, President of Earth Day Network with the kids in your life. Kathleen shows a path whereby we can talk to our children, family and friends about the similarities between “Horton Hears a Who” and how we are all shouting together in “Whoville” and waking up the world to the possibilities yet to be. Dr. Seuss seemed to have a handle on a lot of this 🙂

IMG_1658Below is a growing list of events in DC, as it stands today.
Save the dates, find an event, join us in Washington!


Sep 14th – 23rd, 2015
Fast for Climate, organized by Franciscan Action Network (FAN) with multi-faith prayer service every night at 6:30: McPherson Square near the White House at K & 15th St.

Sep 22, Tuesday, 6:30 pm – Wednesday, September 23, 7:45 pm.
Sundown to Sundown
Kol Nidre 6:30pm to 8:30pm (Lincoln Memorial)
Morning Service with Yizkor 10am to 1:30pm ((Lincoln Memorial)
Minchah/Neilah 5:00pm to 7:45 pm, concluding with shofar blasts followed by a multi-faith vigil at John Marshal Place Park

Sep 23, Wednesday, Unitarian Universalist Service, Climate Inspirational Gathering & Optional Procession to National Mall
Service: 4pm, All Souls Church, Unitarian, 1500 Harvard at 16th St. Washington DC, 20009, Metro: Columbia Heights

Unitarian Universalists will gather for inspiration and grounding to prepare for the multi-faith prayer vigil and Climate Justice Rally. Snacks will be available. Optional Procession departs at 5:45 for 3-mile walk down 16th Street to Pennsylvania, to John Marshal Place Park. All Welcome to Join en route to the Vigil. You can also travel by bus, metro or on your own.

Sep 23: Interfaith Prayer Vigil on National Mall

From Wednesday, 23 September 2015 – 7:00pm
to Thursday, 24 September 2015 – 07:00am

Location : John Marshal Park at Pennsylvania and 4th Street NW, organized by Franciscan Action Network

September 23rd is Yom Kippur, one of the holiest days in the Jewish calendar, and is a day of atonement. Following in this spirit, the vigil in Washington DC will invite all present to atone for past deeds committed against the Earth and its people. Music will be interspersed throughout, and faith and civic leaders will offer messages of hope, justice and peace as we also witness the firsthand accounts of the effects that carelessness and selfishness can have on our world and our brothers and sisters. A call to action, animated by love, is thus borne out of the spirit of atonement and solemnity.

The vigil will last all evening. For those interested, people can stay all night until the 7am gathering that will precede Pope Francis’ historic address to Congress.

Sep 24: Moral Action for Climate Justice Rally
National Mall between 3rd and 7th St.
7 am – 12:30 pm
Free and open to the public

ClimateRealityHSmemeYou are invited to join thousands of people of all creeds, colors and faiths. On this historic day, Faith, Social Justice and Environmental Leaders will call for Climate Justice raising up Pope Francis’ messages on Care for our Common Home, and to “Hear the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor.” The program starting at 7:00 am, will include musical performance and video, breaking to live stream Pope Francis’ address to Congress at approximately 9:20. Jumbo Trons and sound amplification will allow supporters to see and hear the message of the Pope, and the full Rally Program. Join in for the call for America to honor its moral duty to urgently address the climate crisis.

Sept 24: Coming Together in Faith and Celebration, 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm National Cathedral• 3101 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20016

1200 faith leaders join for two hours of prayer, sermons, songs, and poetry to reward and inspire faith and climate leaders in their work on climate. (Public Program – free ticketed event, live streamed nationally. Sign up for free tickets here.
Contact : Jeremiah Worrell, [email protected]

Sept 25: Coming Together Faith Leader Meeting-Building Support for Climate Solutions
Friday, September 25, 2015 from 7:30 AM to 11:30 AM (EDT)
Washington National Cathedral Pilgrims Observation Gallery, 3101 Wisconsin Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20016

Event Organizers: Washington National Cathedral, Blessed Tomorrow, Convergence, Faith in Public Life, and Auburn Seminary
Join 150 faith and climate leaders at the Washington National Cathedral to share experiences and ideas for building support for climate solutions in our congregations, communities and nation. Will include a livestream viewing of Pope Francis’ address to the United Nations General Assembly in NY.
Doors open at 7:30 am. Breakfast and program starts at 8 am. Event ends at 11:30 am. Space is limited – please RSVP as soon as possible. Free ticket required. To learn more or sponsor this event, please contact: [email protected]

Sep 25: Advocacy Day for Climate Justice

Supporters are encouraged to visit their congressional representatives and advocate for any of the many actions that support Climate Justice. A variety of recommendations will be posted for supporters to use in Washington or at home; September 25th or any day is a good day to contact our representatives about Climate Justice.

Sep 26: 10:00am – 05:00pm Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming Symposium (registration and fee required)
Where: University of the Distrct of Columbia, (UDC) A. Clarke School of Law, 4340 Connecticut Ave, NW, Washington, DC

Hosted by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate and People Demanding Action, and others. This Symposium, is designed for those who have been inspired by the Papal Encyclical, Laudato Si’ On the Care for Our Common Home and the Climate Crisis are asking “What can I do now? What can I take home to my community? What are the next steps to not just halt CO2 increase, but to actually reduce it and reverse global warming?” Participants will be introduced to the tremendous potential of biological systems to take CO2 out of the atmosphere and sequester it back in the soil.


Climate Mama

See something missing? Let us know. And make sure to check in regularly with the Moral Action on Climate website. Partner events are located on the left side of the home screen.

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