Remembering Our Climate Mamas & Papas

Photo credit: Shutterstock is celebrating its first Anniversary! In recognition of this momentous occasion, we would like to honor and remember all the wonderful Climate Mamas and Papas who have helped empower and inspire us this past year. Below you will find some memorable quotes, great ideas and sage advice from these Mamas and Papas, as well as a link to their full interview with us, in case you want to find out more! The common theme and our “take away” is that we all need to be part of the solution, to get involved, in our OWN way, and that each one of us can make a difference. Special thanks to all of these incredible people who, every day, help to make the world a better place.

Cambria Gordon lives in California where she works as a busy mom with three children. In her “spare time” Cambria is an award winning advertising copywriter and author. In 2007 Cambria co-authored, along with Laurie David, the first comprehensive children’s book on global warming, The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming (Scholastic, Inc, September, 2007).

Tell your kids not to be scared, that we have the technology right now to stop global warming. Teach them by example by turning out the lights, carpooling, changing light bulbs to CFL’s, taking shorter showers, pulling out those cell-phone chargers and buying toilet paper and paper towels made from recycled material. Talk about it at dinner and make a commitment as a family to use less carbon. We can solve this problem if we all do our part. There are over 1.2 billion kids between the ages of 8 and 16 in the world today. Think of the influence they can make on this planet, just by being aware.

Jon Isham is an environmental economist, a Professor of Environmental Studies and the author of Ignition: What You Can Do to Fight Global Warming and Spark a Movement. Jon lives in Vermont and is the proud dad of three daughters. He is also one of the founders of, a company which helps individuals manage and mitigate their environmental footprint.

Technology will surely be the engine for building a new low-carbon global economy. This prospect should be comforting: new modes of energy production, of carbon capture (Sir Richard Branson is right, we need to invent new, low-cost ways to take carbon dioxide out of the air), of energy efficiency will transform the human condition once more. Environmentalists, in my opinion, should be become the biggest pro-technology people out there. Engage your family members friends and neighbors about the challenges we face; organize and join – or if necessary, create – networks for change; push your elected officials to change the rules; and make a commitment to helping, in the words of Thomas Paine, to ‘begin the world all over again.’

Greta Browne is a grandmother, community activist, a Unitarian Minister and a self-proclaimed optimist who lives in Bethlehem, PA. In 2009, Greta walked from New Orleans, LA to Rouse Point, NY near the Canadian border, to raise attention, in her own way, to the urgency of global warming.

We in the US desire our comfort and convenience, our safety and security, even at the expense of the poorer people around the world. It’s hard to shake Americans out of the apathy that comes from putting all effort into maintaining a comfortable lifestyle, doing nothing to risk a loss of economic status.

Paul Reale lives with his family in New York City. Paul is the founder and CEO of Green Allowance a program which motivates and empowers children to champion resource conservation.

I have no doubt that regardless of how aggressively we tackle this issue on a global scale, climate change will have a huge effect on my daughter’s life. I need to be part of the solution. To me it’s part of being a good Dad. Focus on one thing at a time. Pick one thing a month – something that will reduce your consumption of electricity, oil, gasoline or natural gas – and at least read and talk about it. Ideally you’ll make a change, but you won’t change unless you know about it first. Transformation takes time. If you do this, you can set an example not only for your kids, but also for your neighbors, your co-workers, your fellow worshipers – wherever you come in contact with people. You’ll also reduce your carbon footprint. And in most cases, reducing your footprint will actually save you money.

Ric Stott lives on the east end of Long Island, NY and is a builder, artist, mechanic, pilot and a successful architect; Ric is the father of one “grown up” son. Throughout Ric’s career he has been involved in sustainable building and environmental initiatives, all over the USA. Ric recently designed and built a LEED platinum home on Long Island.

For the earth to survive, we must treat our environment like a long endurance race, a marathon or triathlon. We must plan, we must train of course, and we must pace ourselves and continue on our path. We must stay nourished and hydrated to fuel our needs on the way. If we eat or drink too much we will get sick. If we eat or drink too little, we run out of fuel. If we go too fast – as our culture is doing now, we’ll burn out and never finish. Every endurance race is won by knowing how much energy is needed, then balancing what comes in and what is expended.

Lisa Borden lives in Toronto, Canada where she is a mom to 3 children. Lisa is an idea girl, eco-advocate and the owner and founder of Borden Communications. Lisa is also an incredible supporter and promoter of many environmentally focused non-profit organizations.

I think dire scenarios and scare tactics are ridiculous. People simply need to know that whatever they are doing is good enough. If it’s “only” not using disposable plastic water bottles – that counts. If we ALL did that, imagine the change. In order to avert the consequences? I think we already are dealing with consequences…it’s a matter of doing better everyday, so let’s GO! Believe that you can make a difference; in fact, you do with every single choice you make. Your money is your power and each time you spend it, it’s a vote for something, so make it count. I personally live and work by this African Proverb – If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito.

Erica Charles, lives in the United Kingdom where she is the mother of 3. Erica is the founder of Schools Low Carbon Day an event that took place for the first time at the end of June 2010. On this day, Erica inspired and organized over 1600 schools and 600,000 students to learn more about climate change!

Lead by example and change perceptions of what a ‘must have’ lifestyle is! Try to fly less, drive less, and consume less. Conserve energy as much as possible. Put in the insulation, low energy bulbs, maybe some solar panels or other renewable technology.

Lisa “Diz” Glithero is the founder and Director of the EYES Project, a Part-Time Professor at the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa; and a full-time Doctoral Student. Lisa is also an adventurer and explorer and the mother of a 2 year old son and another child on the way.

In choosing to see the cup half full, I believe this is a time of incredible opportunity—a time of great possibility out of an urgent need to rethink and redo. Such opportunities include a call to move away from the intense individualism that has dominated the past century towards a generation of collaboration and a revitalization of community. Secondly, new career opportunities, social innovation and entrepreneurship (both local and global) are emerging. Finally a shift in values is enabling us to (re)connect with the natural world, be it urban ecology or wilderness, and to (re)awaken to the notion that we are a part of something so much bigger (than ourselves, than humanity).

Lauren Sullivan Lives in Maine and is the Co-Director of the non-profit Reverb, which educates and engages musicians and their fans to take action toward a more sustainable future. Lauren is the mother to a 2 ½ year old daughter and due with a baby boy any day!

Understand your sphere of influence (your home, your workplace, the music industry, your local government, your backyard garden) and do what you can to effect change in those places. Just start doing something b/c nothing will happen if we’re waiting for the perfect moment to get it all done. Try to become comfortable residing in the gray areas and with the hypocrisy of being a consumer and environmentalist, for example. We all have an impact and yet, thankfully, we can all do something about it.

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