From the mouths of babes, and Dr. Seuss: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” A 4th Grade Class from Massachusetts convinced Universal Studios in less then one month to change a promotional video for a movie on Dr. Suess’s book The Lorax. These 10 year olds, with caring and guidance from their teachers, learned a big lesson about how “powerful” they really are, and the importance of speaking out for what you believe in!
So, grab the kids in your life, watch the video these kids made, and let your kids know that they too are powerful.
The original cut of the Universal promotional video on the new movie The Lorax, didn’t really talk much about trees, or focus on taking care of our planet, the whole premise of the book The Lorax! This Massachusetts 4th Grade class thought this was an injustice, and spoke out. Now the movie site has “Green Tips” and “Go Green Links” right on the home page (something that wasn’t there before the petition they set up on!)
All of us need to remember that we are powerful too. And at this moment in the history of our planet, if we don’t start speaking out and showing the “Once-ler” that we care about our planet’s future, “nothing is going to get better, It’s not!”
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