

Fracking Waste Ban: NIMBY- Update!

Tweet Share ****UPDATE: On Monday, June 24th, although it was on the NJ Assembly list of bills to be voted on, sponsors of A575, the Bill that bans the disposal, discharge, storage and treatment of fracking waste in New Jersey,

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Fathers Day, Fracking, Climate Change and Hope

Tweet Share Happy Father’s Day to all our Climate Papas! As many of us in North America celebrate Father’s Day at inter-generational gatherings, we at ClimateMama were touched by the following Fathers Day Plunderbund video and we wanted to share

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First State to Ban FRACKING – Go New Jersey!

Tweet Go New Jersey! On June 29th, New Jersey became the first state in the USA to ban “fracking” a process used to extract natural gas which has quickly become extremely controversial. “Fracking” is and will be more and more

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