As we join with friends and families at barbecues and picnics this July 4th, 2018 lets make sure that we truly celebrate our independence by remind ourselves and our children what it means to each of us to live and thrive in a democratic, free and inclusive country.
Let’s also remind our children and ourselves that these very freedoms that we have fought so long and hard for, and which we often take for granted, are currently being threatened and undermined on an increasingly regular basis. But, many of us are not just sitting idly by watching or pretending not to see as the current federal administration and some of the world’s largest multinationals try to take away our hard fought for liberties and many of our freedoms. From small encounters in restaurants, parks and other public places to legal actions at the state and local level, what this administration is trying to do WITHOUT our consent is being challenged from on high and on the ground.
From human rights and immigrant rights, to climate action and our children’s health, we are fighting back and saying no, we will not allow this to happen on our watch. Remind your children as we remind ourselves, what is happening is NOT normal and we must not let it seem so in any sense of the word.
Happy Independence Day to all our Climate Mamas and Papas, in solitary and with love,
Your Climate Mama
Flag and Fireworks Photo by Stephanie McCabe on Unsplash