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Category Archives: Oceans & Water
“What happens next?….This story has not ended yet, the writing pen is in your hands. The choice for this planet we call home to be handed over with no regrets.” These are the closing words in a short film by … Continue reading
June 8th is World Oceans Day, a global day of ocean celebration and collaboration for a better world. The oceans bring us joy, bountiful food, rest, relaxation, exhilaration, harmony and hope. Yet, scientists tell us that our oceans are reaching their … Continue reading
In 1972, the United Nations designated June 5th as World Environment Day. The early 1970’s were in many ways, the birth of our modern day environmental movement. We had the first Earth Day in 1970 and in the United States, … Continue reading
Posted in Earth Day is Every Day, Games & Toys, Lifestyle & Fun, Oceans & Water, Plastics & Plastic Free, Take a Stand: Action & Advocacy
Tagged #worldenvironmentday, ban plastic, ban single use items, National Geographic Plastic Initiative, Plastic Pollution Coalition, Strawless, World Environment Day 2018 #beatplasticpollution, Young Voices for the planet
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On April 22nd we celebrate Earth Day. In the United States and in many communities around the world we will make efforts to spend time in nature: walks in local parks and picnics on the beach. We will also take … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Mama News, Climate Mama Video Peek of the Week, Climate Mamas & Papas, Disasters, Earth Day is Every Day, Nature, Oceans & Water, Politics, Take a Stand: Action & Advocacy
Tagged Climate Change Grants, Climate Change grants for schools, Earth Day, Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, Marshall Islands and Climate change, Marshall Islands last generation, NWF Grants, PBS Frontline, sea level rise marshall Islands, The Ground Truth Project, The Last Generation
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Could a ban on fracking drilling be enough to protect the land, flora fauna, people and WATER of the Delaware River Basin? Would water withdrawals from the Delaware to enable fracking in other regions, including as well the storage, processing … Continue reading
Too often these days, for those of us working on climate change, many messages from social media seem to imply a bleak future with problems too big to tackle and seemingly ignored by those in powerful positions who might be … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Mamas & Papas, Earth Day is Every Day, Oceans & Water, Schools and Colleges, Take a Stand: Action & Advocacy
Tagged #wearestillin, Dream in Green, Happy Science Mom, Our children's trust, Sand Schwartz, sea level rise, sea level rise florida, South Florida and Climate Change, The sink or swim project
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We march for women, we march for jobs, for healthcare, for justice, for the climate and we march for science, facts and the truth. Our children are beside us, behind us and in front of us. For so many of … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Mama News, Disasters, Earth Day is Every Day, fracking and pipelines, Nature, Oceans & Water, Politics, Renewable Energy, Science, Take a Stand: Action & Advocacy
Tagged al gore and climate march, climate march, climate march parents, harriet shugarman and al gore, mandy patankin and climate march, marching for what, science march parents, we marched whats next, What comes after the march
As the lazy days of summer spread slowly before us, getting our children outdoors and into nature is an important part of learning about how special our planet is, what’s at stake and why and what we must do to … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Mama News, Earth Day is Every Day, Nature, Oceans & Water
Tagged climate change and kids, Conserve Wildlife Foundation, Lindsay McNamara, New Jersey beach programs for kids, New Jersey shore programs, Summer programs kids, talking to, what to do with the kid in New Jersey
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