BlogHer Highlights: ClimateMama Learns the Ropes

Activism and education on Climate Change are my focus; passion, inspiration and aspiration are what keep me going every day. A big part of my outreach is done utilizing our ClimateMama website and blog. Learning the ropes and ins and outs of blogging doesn’t always come naturally. A great resource that I utilize, helpful to any blogger, is the BlogHer website and more specifically the BlogHer annual conference which touches on everything blogging.

I returned recently from BlogHer’11 and wanted to share some of my highlights as well as my thoughts on the conference from a ‘green perspective;” thoughts which apply to many conferences and workshops.

My Top 3 Highlights:

1. Spending time with some of my blogging, twitter, facebook and all around social media friends; many of whom due primarily to distance I don’t get to see regularly or may not even have met before. In particular, I loved spending quality time with some of the ladies from the Green Moms Carnival. Thanks Micaela for the photo! Please meet:

Photo Credit: Mindful Momma

Amber –, Micaela – Mindful Momma, Mary – In Women We Trust, Lori – Groovy Green Livin, Katy – Non-Toxic Kids, Beth – My Plastic-Free Life, and me! The Green Moms Carnival is a group of dedicated “green” women (not all of whom are moms) who raise their collective “voice” on carefully thought out topics. We also often share ideas, technical questions and answers on blogging, frustrations, and life events.

2. Educational seminars, sessions and workshops. BlogHer is great for getting to the nitty gritty, the practical, the how to. The conference is an opportunity to hear from some of the best and most successful, however you want to define it SEO, Monetization, Public Image, Causes, Social Media etc.

3. Networking, from both a blogger and brand perspective. Interesting connections with people, organizations and companies that I wouldn’t otherwise have an opportunity to meet. Follow up will be key both personally and for our ClimateMama site. I particularly loved meeting some of the “voices” behind Moms Clean Air Force one of our new non-profit partners.

My top 3 Thoughts from a Green Perspective

1. Several of my Green Mom friends were very disappointed that BlogHer seems to have taken a step backward on its care and consideration of “greening the conference venue.” BlogHer’10 lunches, snacks and parties featured reusable dishes; this year it was BACK to plastic. Last year reusable water bottles were available to all attendees, this year, BACK to plastic cups.

2. There was a move towards digital and away from paper agendas – a growing common theme at many conferences these days. I loved the BlogHer’11 Conference APP for smartphones. Unfortunately the agenda was still too widely available in paper format.

3. A lot of swag..which is the give away stuff at conferences. I have mellowed on this of late and realize that it is all part of the package; although for me personally it is often excessive and unnecessary. Shout out to BlogHer – A “green brand” section in the exhibition area next year? The Swag Exchange..bring back what you don’t want and trade it in for something you do, or leave it for someone else, or for charity; Great idea.

Suggestion for wanna be and seasoned bloggers? Attend BlogHer’12 in NYC…ClimateMama will be there, let us know if you plan to go!

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4 Responses to BlogHer Highlights: ClimateMama Learns the Ropes

  1. Harriet – I would love to see a green/sustainable brand section at the BlogHer expo next year too. My mind is spinning with ideas for how to make it happen…

    So great to meet you IRL! Would love to have you be our tour guide next year in NYC!


  2. If there was something to draw in more green bloggers (besides the joy it would be to meet so many of you in person) I would really consider going next year. Looks like you had a great time!

    • Harriet says:

      Greeting Brenna, Lets see if we can get some more focused programming for green bloggers next year..hope to meet you in person too!

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