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Category Archives: Disasters
We march for women, we march for jobs, for healthcare, for justice, for the climate and we march for science, facts and the truth. Our children are beside us, behind us and in front of us. For so many of … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Mama News, Disasters, Earth Day is Every Day, fracking and pipelines, Nature, Oceans & Water, Politics, Renewable Energy, Science, Take a Stand: Action & Advocacy
Tagged al gore and climate march, climate march, climate march parents, harriet shugarman and al gore, mandy patankin and climate march, marching for what, science march parents, we marched whats next, What comes after the march
Merriam Webster Dictionary: schizophrenia “contradictory or antagonistic qualities or attitudes.” As our climate crisis grows, as we demand climate solutions and as we get closer and closer to the climate cliff… the direction and actions of our leaders – in … Continue reading
On Sunday, July 24th, we joined with Climate Mamas and Papas across the country at the March for A Clean Energy Revolution, in Philadelphia to dance, sing and demand action that will move us NOW to a renewable energy economy. … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Mama News, Climate Mama Video Peek of the Week, Disasters, Do Something Wednesdays, Health & Fitness, In The News, Politics, Take a Stand: Action & Advocacy
Tagged Colorado Fracking, Colorado fracking ballot, health impacts fracking Colorado, Health impacts oil and Gas, The Rising, the yes campaign colorado
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Ruth Mundy is a singer and a songwriter from New Zealand. Her song, “Love in the Time of Coral Reefs” is beautiful, haunting, powerful and sad. Yet at the same time the song is incredibly empowering; daring us and demanding … Continue reading
As our Climate Mamas and Papas know, ClimateMama has been a strong supporter and advocate of the Rainforest Action Network (RAN) programs to educate the public and demand accountability and leadership from companies that have Conflict Palm Oil as part … Continue reading
“When we try to pick out anything by itself we find that it is bound fast – by a thousand invisible cords that cannot be broken – to everything in the universe.” John Muir, 1869 What is happening right now … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Mama News, Climate Mamas & Papas, Disasters, fracking and pipelines, In The News, Take a Stand: Action & Advocacy
Tagged Amazon and international Womens Day, climate change and kids, Climate Change and the Amazon Rainforest, Ecuador Amazon and Oil Extraction, International Womens Day Keep it in the Ground, Petition to save the Amazon, Protecting the Rainforests, protests in Ecuador fossil fuels, Saving the Amazon Rainforest, WECAN in the Amazon
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Happy 2016 to all our Climate Mamas and Papas! We hope you had time to relax this holiday season, to be surrounded by loved ones and to surround yourself and be in nature. The beginning of the year is always … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Mama News, Climate Mama Video Peek of the Week, Disasters, Do Something Wednesdays, Earth Day is Every Day, Lifestyle & Fun, Nature, Take a Stand: Action & Advocacy
Tagged 2015 Climate News, 2016 climate change hope, 2016 resolutions, Business Insider History of the World, climate change kids, Climate resolutions, ClimateMama Climate Change, History of world in a trip from LA to New York, Paris Climate Agreement, Paris Climate Conference Outcomes
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After all the back slapping, high fiv’ing, check kisses and congratulatory popping of champagne corks, as 195 countries signed off on the Paris Climate Agreement on December 12, 2015, we must now face our sober reality in the light of … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Mama News, Disasters, Earth Day is Every Day, In The News, Renewable Energy, Take a Stand: Action & Advocacy
Tagged 1.5 degrees UN commitment, 2015 Paris Climate Accord., climate change parents, Climate Talks outcome, COP21 plan, Final Agreement Paris Climate Accord, Loss and damage in Climate Agreement, Our Kids Climate, Paris Climate Conference Agreement, Paris Climate Conference Outcome
Joining the “Throw Back Thursday” theme, we have reposted our blog post from October 30st, 2012, “Politicizing Hurricane Sandy – Yes we Must,” which we wrote just 2 days after Superstorm Sandy first touched down in our ClimateMama neighborhood. Our … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Mama News, Disasters, Politics, Take a Stand: Action & Advocacy
Tagged 3 years later Sandy, Kids and Climate Change, presidential debates and climate change, republicans on climate change, Sandy and climate change, Superstorm Sandy, voting for climate change solutions
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